I had done so well today, eating wise, and went to bed at 8 pm with under 300 calories for the day. Instead, I woke up two hours later, and when I am half-awake, I tend to be more lax on the snacking. It happened earlier in the day, too.
I woke up this morning so I could wake up the hubby, and each time I went downstairs to get him up, I stupidly grabbed a Kudos bar on my way back to the bedroom. 2 trips cost me 200 calories and 6 g of fat. It's like sleepwalking/eating... I know I'm doing it, but like when I drink, I don't care about the damage the food will do.
Anyways, when I fell asleep I was at: 2 Kudos bars (200/6) and 80 grapes (131/.65). Then I woke up and proceeded to eat one serving of baked Cheetos (130/5), a Dark Chocolate Raspberry Weight Watchers bar (80/4.5), and 5 gherkin pickles (25/0) in quick succession. I've decided I'm done for the evening, which means my total is...
566 calories and 16.15 grams of fat
The fat is higher than I'd like, but at least I'm still under 600 so I'm happy.
Did an hour of calisthenics and weight work today. This low calorie diet surprisingly isn't making me dizzy or tired like it used to, but I realized that strenuous workouts make me too weak when I'm VLC.
Weirdest part, though, is that I'm literally not hungry. Like I've said before, I've been down this road many times, but the hardest part before was the hunger and the cravings and trying to keep them under control. This time, I barely am having cravings and am only really eating to keep my energy up. When I do have cravings, I am able to reign them in quickly and without too much damage done. I'd be excited if I wasn't so freaked by my lack of appetite - especially with all the other health problems I have.
*~* Lexi *~*
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